
Zentangling My Way to Creativity

As an art historian, I spend a lot of time looking at great pieces of art and teaching my students why they are important and how they were made. I know the history of different media artists used. I know when oil paints were invented and how it revolutionized the way paintings appeared.  I know what tools Michelangelo used to carve his David . But I myself rarely pick up a paint brush, much less and hammer and chisel.  For years I've been meaning to begin practicing art-making, but between my career and two small kids, it just didn't happen. I find nearly all my time consumed with the tasks of daily life. But recently I've started a personal challenge of completing one Zentangle a day.  If you haven't heard of it, check out this link .  It's essentially doodling with some specific designs to try out and a few other guidelines. You don't need any fancy materials and you don't need any formal training. Because the designs you create are abstract, you need